$97.00 CAD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By electing to join the membership site  you, the purchaser of a subscription to the Membership Site entitled “The Sovereign Mindset Society” (hereinafter “Client”) acknowledge the terms as outlined herein, and agree and willingly purchase entry into The Membership, to be provided with services rendered byThe Sovereign Mindset Society hereinafter “Coaching with Court”), and you agree you are voluntarily entering into a legally binding Agreement, including the automatic renewal terms, with Coaching with Court, inclusive of the following terms and conditions mutually agreed upon:

For good and valuable consideration of nine hundred ninety-seven CAD dollars ($997) paid upfront, Client is electing to pre-purchase an annual subscription to The Membership. In exchange, Coaching with Court agrees to provide the services outlined in the Membership Site Details below, and Membership Site Addendum attached hereto.

Membership Site Outline:

Client agrees and understands that he/she is pre-purchasing an annual subscription to The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership offering educational resources, workshops, group coaching calls, and a community of like-minded females.
Client acknowledges that he/she has read the Membership Site Addendum and conducted any additional research necessary to feel he/she understands what is being provided inThe Sovereign Mindset Society Membership as well as what is not included. Client agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined.

The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership is not to be considered a substitute for personalized business, medical, or legal advice.The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership is not designed to treat any mental, emotional, or other medical conditions. If you as the Client believe you may be in need of personalized attention, whether for your business, health, or otherwise, please seek additional assistance outside The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership

Promotions and Bonuses:

Client understands and agrees he/she is pre-purchasing access to The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership by purchasing an annual membership upfront, inclusive of Coaching with Court bonuses, access to program, and other incentives as outlined on the sales page herein.  Following this period, Client will be charged for an additional one (1) year of Membership, unless properly canceled as outlined herein.


As part of Client’s access to The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership Client will gain access to various trade secrets and personal intellectual property of Coaching with Court, including but not limited to materials such as verbal, written, and video advice, mindset guidance, and/or other information that may become available for use through Client’s participation in The Membership. Client understands and acknowledges that this information is not to be openly shared with others who have not purchased a subscription toThe Sovereign Mindset Society Membership. Client agrees not to share, copy, or distribute any documents or other proprietary information obtained through The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership, and agrees that he or she will be in violation of these Terms of Use if he or she uses any of the Content outlined as his/her own material, or repurposes and uses the Content in his/her own business without express written permission of Coaching with Court.
Should Client breach this provision and disclose confidential or proprietary information belonging to Coaching with Court or another participating in The Membership, Client understands additional action may be taken by Coaching with Court up to and including legal action.


Should Client provide any review, share a win, or otherwise post anything about the Membership on a public platform, or any platform within the Membership (“Testimonial”), Client understands and expressly agrees Coaching with Court may share this Testimonial within Membership and on Coaching with Court's public social media platforms, within their email list, and in any other reasonable location in order to promote Membership and Coaching with Court.
Client hereby gives Coaching with Court an unlimited, irrevocable license to repost, share, publish, and otherwise use the text, name, and/or likeness of Client, as well as the words of the Testimonial provided on any public or private platform. Client understands and agrees any such comments or messages sent or posted by Client may be captured and reposted by Coaching with Court in any capacity it sees fit, including but not limited to sharing in email marketing, reposting to the public on social media, and otherwise sharing the comment with the public in an effort to publicize and market for The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership

Payment and Payment Plans

Client understands the cost of The Membership is payable monthly, in the amount of ninety-seven CAD dollars ($97), or annually, in the amount of nine hundred ninety-seven CAD dollars ($997) and charged automatically by month or year, in accordance with the Auto-Renewal Terms outlined below in paragraph five (5). Client understands he/she is responsible for the full payment each month or year, and agrees to pay the sum requested electronically, via Coaching with Court's website or a designated third-party payment processor of BossBabe’s choosing, in full. If Client has joined The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership during a promotional period and has been promised a trial period that is less than the amount outlined above, Client understands that after such trial period, the monthly amount due and payable will be the full amount.
Should Client fail to make timely payments, or if additional payments are not able to be processed, Client understands Client’s access to The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership may be restricted if payment is not made within one (1) day of the date it is due. If payment is not made on the date it is due, Coaching with Court will continue to attempt to charge Client via the membership site software; if and when payment goes through, Client will again receive full access to Membership. If payment is not collected, Client’s access will remain restricted, and Client will carry a balance on her account, showing the month(s) owed. Client must bring her account completely current in order to be granted access. If payment continues to be unsuccessful after sixty (30) days, Client membership shall be revoked and permanently canceled. Should Client wish to rejoinThe Sovereign Mindset Society Membership, she must do so at the current price it is being offered.
Coaching with Court reserves the right to cancel Client’s access to The Membership should he/she fail to make additional payments in accordance with the Auto-Renewal Terms as outlined below. Should this occur, Client understands she is not entitled to a refund of funds already issued to Coaching with Court for access to The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership.

Auto-Renewal Agreement

Client understands and agrees that continued access to The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership requires recurring monthly or annual payments that will be charged automatically on the day of the month or year on which they signed up.
If Client elects to be charged monthly: by purchasing access toThe Sovereign Mindset Society Membership, and agreeing to these Terms of Use, Client understands he/she will be automatically charged each month, in the amount of $97 via the same card or manner in which the initial payment was made, for the following month of membership to The Membership. This process will repeat each month unless and until Client properly cancels his or her membership.
If Client elects to be charged annually: by purchasing access toThe Sovereign Mindset Society Membership, and agreeing to these Terms of Use, Client understands he/she will be automatically charged each year, in the amount of $997 via the same card or manner in which the initial payment was made, for the following year of membership to The Membership. This process will repeat each year unless and until Client properly cancels his or her membership


If Client wishes to cancel his or her membership, Client must do so more than 24 hours before the charge is scheduled to withdraw. Any requests for cancelation made less than 24 hours before the automatic renewal is scheduled to charge Client’s card, or made subsequent to the charge, will take effect the following month.


In order to cancel a membership, Client must fill out the cancellation form inside the portal in the welcome module to terminate his or her membership. Client will be notified upon Coaching with Court's receipt of the form, and his or her membership will subsequently be canceled prior to the following billing period, assuming it is more than 24 hours away.
As outlined above, if Client cancels his or her membership less than 24 hours before the automatic renewal is scheduled to charge Client’s card, Client acknowledges and agrees he or she will be charged for the next month, and the cancelation will take effect following this. Should this occur, Client will have access to The Membership for the month in which Client paid, with membership terminating at the end of the last paid month.
By checking the box on the purchase page confirming your agreement to these Terms, you also confirm you are given your unequivocal, clear, affirmative consent to your agreement with these automatic renewal and billing terms, the cancelation policy, and that you understand how to cancel before your card is charged for the following month.

6. Refund Policy

Coaching with Court wholly believes in its product. It believes the methods work, but only if the Client is dedicated to the process. There are no refunds granted for this product.

7. Technology

Coaching with Court is not responsible for any specific technology needed in order to adequately view and utilize The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership. Client’s inability to access The Membership due to a technology issue on Client’s end does not qualify Client for a refund, nor does it alleviate Client of his or her responsibility to make monthly payments, unless or until Client’s membership is properly canceled in accordance with the cancelation policy in paragraph five (5).

8. Voluntary Participation

Client understands and agrees that he/she is voluntarily choosing to enroll in The Membership and is solely responsible for any outcomes or results. While Coaching with Court believes in the services and that The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership is able to help many people, Client acknowledges and agrees that Coaching with Court is not responsible nor liable to Client should Client sustain any injuries, incur harm, or encounter any negative ramifications. Client agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her health and well-being, including participation in The Membership and any results therein.
Client also understands she will have the opportunity to provide Coaching with Court with additional personal information, viewable to all The Membership members, including but not limited to location, industry, and other information. All information is completely voluntary and optional to complete, and Client does not gain or lose anything in The Membership for choosing to complete or not complete the additional information. Client understands this information will only be viewable to others inside the The Membership, and understands that should he/she elect to complete the information, he/she is doing so completely voluntarily, and that The Membership and Coaching with Court are not responsible for any negative results from such information dissemination.

9. Disclaimer /No Guarantees

Coaching with Court cannot guarantee results from any of the content on The Membership, and cannot make any representations or guarantees regarding individual results. Client will hold Coaching with Court harmless if he or she does not experience the desired results.
Client understands that all services provided by The Membership and Coaching with Court in connection with The Membership being purchased are provided on an “as is” basis, meaning it is without any guarantees, representations, or warranties, including but not limited to warranties relating to quality, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or expectation or course of performance. Client is choosing to purchase access to The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership and work with Coaching with Court on a purely voluntary basis and does not hold Coaching with Court responsible should Client become dissatisfied with any portion of The Membership.
Client agrees that he/she does not have a cause of action, legal remedy, and is not entitled to a refund should he/she not achieve the results desired following completion of The Membership, as long as Coaching with Court delivers The Membership as described in the Addendum below.
Client also agrees to hold Coaching with Court harmless should any physical, emotional, or financial injury occur as a direct or indirect result of The Membership. The content provided by Coaching with Court on its website and within The Membership is comprised of information that has worked for Coaching with Court and other clients, and may or may not be useful to Client in his/her personal business or life. Client understands Coaching with Court cannot guarantee results from The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership, and has no expectation of a specific result that he or she holds Coaching with Court responsible for.

Not Medical or Professional Advice: The Membership and content contained within The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership is not to be considered personalized business, medical, legal, or financial advice, and nothing within The Membership is intended to provide or act as a substitute for mental health treatment. Coaching with Court encourages Client to consult the relevant professional needed if he/she suspects he/she may benefit from such services. We will assume that all individuals choosing to purchase access to The Membership will have done any additional research necessary and has concluded that The Membership offered is right for them.


10. Intellectual Property

Client agrees and understands that Coaching with Court has created numerous original, creative works in connection withThe Sovereign Mindset Society Membership, and agrees that Coaching with Court maintains all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in all original or derivative content associated with or included in The Membership, whether created prior to working with Client or specifically for Client, including but not limited to: documents, charts, emails, graphs, products, systems, processes, handouts, worksheets, copy for website or sales pages, and any other original work created by Coaching with Court. Client agrees she may be granted a limited right to use selected materials in the course of his or her own business but understands that the original proprietary rights remain with Coaching with Court. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a transfer of ownership of any Intellectual Property from Coaching with Court to Client, nor grant any license to use the information, other than that which is expressly provided throughout the course of The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership.
Client agrees and understands he/she is not to copy, repost, alter, publish, sell, assist others in selling, manipulate, distribute, or in any way exploit any of the content or intellectual property provided by Coaching with Court or obtained through working with Coaching with Court, without Coaching with Court's express written consent. If such behavior is discovered or suspected, Coaching with Court reserves the right to immediately end Client’s participation in The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership without refund, as well as access to any The Sovereign Mindset Society Membership or materials Client may have purchased, without refund, and reserve the right to prosecute any actionable infringement or misuse to the full extent of the law.



Sovereign Mindset Society

Monthly Membership

  • IMMEDIATE access to your membership portal that takes you through my entire proven signature process PLUS more. (work at your own pace!)
  • Access to 2 x monthly LIVE group coaching calls hosted by Court so you can be supported exactly where you are.
  • Access to the exclusive engaged FB Community where Coach Court & the community is there to support, guide, and inspire you.
  • BONUS* Quarterly themes with workshops or challenges

Join today for only $97/month